Mt. Ontake (3,067m)is unequaled spiritual mountain in Japan.
Mt. Ontake believe as symbol object from public people of their worship and got to famous for tempest began to train as their mountain worship from ancient age.
As long ago, Mt. Ontake allow to enter only for tempest who fiinish 75 days religious purification. Kakumei gyoja found Kurosawa route on 1782, Fukan gyojya followed to found Otaki route going up to top of Mt. Ontake. It cause common not only for tempest also public people. You will see more than 20,000 of ’Shinrei-Hi’ (Stature of god spirit) as very original symbol, its built by Believer of their feeling of original soul of the post mortem soul pursuing an oasis in Mt. Ontake.
Present day, believers and prayers still visit Mt. Ontake all around the country for their fulfilled and pray for save the pains of common people.
You would enjoy mountain trekking listen stream creek, see color transition of trees, pretty mountains grasses, and meet mountain animals, feeling heart and the body revive on the real nature.